The beginning of a new year is drawing near and many of us take this time to consider making a charitable donation to a worthy organization. Revere’ Riders sincerely hopes that you keep us, as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, in your plans. Donations to Revere’s Riders go towards supporting our mission of teaching marksmanship skills to our fellow Americans, reminding us all of the courage and sacrifice of those that fought in the Revolutionary War as well as our duty as citizens to be engaged with our government.
If you’d rather not donate directly, consider stipulating Revere’s Riders as your charitable organization with Amazon Smile. When you use Amazon Smile, 0.5% of the price of eligible items is donated to the charitable organization of your choice. Doesn’t sound like much? To date, Amazon Smile users have donated over $400 to Revere’s Riders! Everyone buys at least some stuff from Amazon; support Revere’s Riders without having to do anything beyond making your usual Amazon purchases.
Your donation will help support the following:
- discounted event tickets for youth, teachers, military, law enforcement and elected officials
- purchase of loaner equipment
- advanced training opportunities for our instructors
- our booth at the 2019 NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, IN
- and much more!
Thank you for your generosity and we hope to see you at one of our 2019 events!