Dutch Flintlock Musket Which Fired First Shot on Bunker Hill
Friday, 18 October 2019
A Revolutionary War Dutch flintlock musket once belonging to John Simpson, a Private in the 1st New Hampshire Regiment, is up for auction at Morphy Auctions later this month. The
- Published in History
Revolutionary War Diary Reveals New Details about Deborah Sampson, Who Disguised Herself as a Man to Join the Continental Army
Sunday, 07 July 2019
The Museum of the American Revolution announced that a hand-written diary of Corporal Abner Weston (1760-1830) has been acquired by the museum and will be displayed when the museum opens in
- Published in History
New Event: Historic Military Surplus Rifles
Thursday, 02 May 2019
Those that have attended a Revere’s Riders event will know we ask every participant to fill out an online post-event survey. The survey submissions don’t go into a black hole,
- Published in History, Upcoming RR Events
Pauly Breechloading Shotgun
Wednesday, 17 April 2019
Ian McCollum of Forgotten Weapons has just posted a very interesting video on a Pauly Breechloading Shotgun that is available at Morphy’s April 2019 auction. This firearm was the first
- Published in History
Revolutionary War Frigate “Bonhomme Richard” Discovered Off English Coast
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
In 1779, Kind Louis XVI of France donated the merchant ship Duc de Duras to the newly formed Continental Navy and she was placed under the command of John Paul
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Durs Egg Breechloading Musket
Tuesday, 06 November 2018
Morphy Auctions offered a very interesting British rifle recently: a Durs Egg Ferguson breech loading rifle circa 1776. Only 100 of these rifles were constructed and fewer than two dozen
- Published in History
British Musket Possibly Used on April 19th, 1775
Friday, 19 October 2018
Skinner Auctioneers Historic Arms & Militaria auction on November 2nd in Marlborough, MA has an interesting item: British Pattern 1756 Long Land Service Musket Marked to the 4th Regiment of Foot.
- Published in History
Shooting the “US Rifle, Cal .30, M1” Rifle
Monday, 01 October 2018
At most of the Indiana Revere’s Riders events, the last point of instruction is nearly always a short lesson on “known distance” and adjusting your sights. The trajectory of a
- Published in After Action Report (AAR), History
On This Day : “The Kings Mountain Messenger” was Born
Wednesday, 08 August 2018
On this day, August 8th, 1754 in Philadelphia, PA, Joseph Greer was born. One of eleven children, his family would move to the frontier of Staunton, Virginia and later the Watauga River area
- Published in History
On This Day: George Washington Creates Three Military Honors
Tuesday, 07 August 2018
In his General Orders of August 7, 1782 issued from his headquarters in Newburgh, New York, George Washington decreed the creation of two Honorary Badges of Distinction and a Badge
- Published in History