All Revere’s Riders instructors and volunteers strive to make our events inviting to everyone. The only requirement to attend a Revere’s Riders introductory event is the willingness to learn. Two weekends ago, a group of 17 students participated in a Rifle 125 (“Basic Rifle”) course at the Bedford Contingent near Bedford, IN. Of those 17 students, 6 were women and 2 were twin boys.
The twin boys attended while their grandfather watched closely. After the event, the grandfather was kind enough to complete our post-event survey and agreed to have his comments published:
I was more than a little surprised that my twin 11 year old grandsons were the only youngsters in attendance, though in-the-end, I think it was very much to their advantage. While the instruction and attention given every student was never shortchanged, extra and over-the-top consideration was afforded my boys. The generosity of spirit and the way my boys were drawn-in, encouraged and included by every volunteer and participant was nothing short of amazing !!! I’m reluctant to name names but special thanks to Ed for the exceptional cooking (maybe, the most important volunteer at the event.) To T.J. who gave more than I’ll ever know. To Slim who cares enough about our youth to extend the invitation and encouragement for my boys to attend. Though EVERY volunteer made the difference, special thanks to Rayne, Chili, Rob, Slim and Kevin who most impacted my boys. Many Thanks to ALL and I applaud this outstanding community named: “Reveer’s Riders”
The goal of our instructors and volunteers is to “draw-in”, “encourage” and “include” each and every participant at one of our events. You will be welcomed when you show up to the event. You will be given as much instruction on marksmanship as you desire. You will be encouraged to go back to your community and get involved, whether that be as a member of the city or town council, a member of the school board, a volunteer for any number of worthy organizations doesn’t matter.
What matters is that you enjoyed a day or two learning to safely and accurately shoot your firearm and, when you return home, that you get involved and help shape your community the way you want it to be.