In April a crew of Revere’s Riders attended the NRA Annual Meeting, volunteering to assist with the youth day events. The NRA nicely summed up this succesful event:
The event was open to all youth regardless if they were an NRA member or not… Youth Day was held in a hospitality room that consisted of different NRA Programs and interactive exhibits…Over 400 Youth from all different walks of life and different ages filled the hospitality room with joy and excitement.
Volunteers from Revere’s Riders assisted with the interactive activities, facilitating learning and fun for the youth attendees. Our volunteers also did those “behind the scenes” jobs like running admin tables and helping with setup to keep the event running smoothly. Several of our members have worked this event for years, and things went smoothly for all!
We are greatly appreciative to several generous donors whose support made this possible by funding travel expenses (i.e. gas money) for our volunteer team. We’re looking forward to continuing to support NRA Youth Day in 2016!
For the kids!