Stand by…  FIRE! In late June of 1776, delegates gathered from across the colonies to discuss the Declaration of Independence while determined continentals marshaled at New York to await an
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Independence Sale Extended!

On this day in 1776, the Declaration of Independence was read to the Continental Army in New York.  In honor of this historical event we’ve extended our Independence sale for
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty
“Thanks for a great match. This was a fun, quick and above all safe match. Can’t wait for the next one.” – Participant AAR What a great day of marksmanship
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One of our students at a recent event in Las Vegas reached out with some very positive comments about a recent event.  This individual was fine with us sharing their
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We celebrated Patriot’s Day with a two-day basic rifle event in Las Vegas, NV over Easter Weekend on April 15-16.  We enjoyed beautiful weather as well as outstanding fellowship with
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In March the Pennsylvania Revere’s Riders crew ran a basic rifle event for eight students.  With four instructors we boasted a 2:1 coach to shooter ratio, ensuring everyone got lots
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Patriot’s Day 2017

Listen my children and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five; Hardly a man is now alive Who remembers that
The Civilian Marksmanship Program is reportedly slated to receive tens of thousands of M1 Garands from the Philippines!  The CMP reconditions these rifles and sells them to the public in
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Want to apply everything you’ve learned at a Revere’s Riders event about making hits at range?  Want to blow stuff up?  Want to get discounts on Boomershoot and our AR Challenge
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