AAR: Inaugural Marty Brown Memorial Open
Friday, 20 September 2019
On the weekend of August 3rd and 4th, over 30 participants gathered for the Inaugural Marty Brown Memorial Open held in Bedford, IN at the Bedford Contingent range. The Marty
Thank You to Boy Scout Troop 396!
Tuesday, 13 August 2019
Revere’s Riders would to thank all the Scouts and Leaders from Boy Scout Troop 396 of Brownsburg, IN for their help in making the Inaugural Marty Brown Memorial Open a
Revere’s Riders Rifle 223 Compared Favorably to Larry Vickers 2-day Advanced Carbine
Thursday, 08 August 2019
Two previous students of our Rifle 223 course happened to also attend the Vickers Tactical 2-Day Advanced Carbine clinic held in Lebanon, IN in June. One student posted a favorable
- Published in After Action Report (AAR), RR in the News, Testimonial
Inaugural Marty Brown Memorial Open Photos
Wednesday, 07 August 2019
Photos from the Inaugural Marty Brown Memorial Open have been posted to the Gallery section of the Revere’s Riders website. Due to the sheer number of photos, they have been
AAR: CMP Talladega Marksmanship Park
Tuesday, 12 February 2019
Jake Woodcock, Nigel Downton and I recently made a long weekend trip down to the CMP Talladega Marksmanship Park. The CMP Talladega Marksmanship Park sits on 500 acres of land
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Annual Report: 2018 in Review
Tuesday, 05 February 2019
Dear Members and Friends of Revere’s Riders, Two-thousand-eighteen has come to a close and it has been a year of both successes and challenges for Revere’s Riders. The statistics that
- Published in After Action Report (AAR), Shooting Sports
AAR: Battle Road Staff Ride
Monday, 03 December 2018
In mid-November, two of our volunteers led a staff ride on the site of the “Battle Road” in Massachusetts. A staff ride is a historical study of a campaign or
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AAR: 2nd Annual Marty Brown Rifle Match
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
The 2nd Annual Marty Brown Rifle Match was held on Range 3 at Camp Atterbury Joint Maneuver Training Center over the weekend of Nov. 3-4, 2018. Fourteen participants brought their
- Published in After Action Report (AAR), Shooting Sports
AAR: Bad Axe Throwing
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
A group of Revere’s Riders volunteers and instructors spent a recent Sunday evening at Bad Axe Throwing in Indianapolis, IN. This was the first in what will hopefully be a semi-regular
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AAR: Camp Atterbury AR-15 and Pistol “Pop-Up” Target (Camp Atterbury, IN)
Saturday, 27 October 2018
Originally, this event was to be conducted entirely on a “pop-up” target rifle range at Camp Atterbury (Range 14). We had reserved this range early in the year but approximately
- Published in After Action Report (AAR)