MBM Donation of the Day: Target Factory
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
Target Factory has graciously donated one of their Complete Target Frames (pictured bowling pin targets plus frame) to the Marty Brown Memorial™ events. Target Factory has a complete collection of plastic
MBM Donation of the Day: Safariland Holsters
Thursday, 06 June 2019
Safariland has donated a huge stack of 40% discount cards for their online store to the Marty Brown Memorial™ events. Follow Safariland on Twitter @SafarilandGroup and on Facebook @safariland. #MartyBrownMemorial
- Published in 2019 MBM Donation of the Day, Marty Brown Memorial, Upcoming RR Events
MBM Donation of the Day: UM Tactical
Tuesday, 04 June 2019
UM Tactical has donated several holsters, magazine carriers and swag items to the Marty Brown Memorial™ events. Follow UM Tactical on Twitter @umtactical and on Facebook @umtactical. #MartyBrownMemorial #MarksmenFightingOvarianCancer
- Published in 2019 MBM Donation of the Day, Marty Brown Memorial, Upcoming RR Events
Marty Brown Memorial Open Sponsored by 30 Companies
Monday, 03 June 2019
The Inaugural Marty Brown Memorial Open™ charity event to benefit Ovar’coming Together and ovarian cancer has now reached 30 sponsors! And we have commitments for more donated items as well as
MBM Donation of the Day: Eva-Dry
Thursday, 30 May 2019
Eva-Dry has donated several of their Mini Dehumidifiers along with Disposable Moisture Absorber to the Marty Brown Memorial™ events. Follow Eva-Dry on Twitter @Eva_Dry and on Facebook @evadrydehumidifiers. #MartyBrownMemorial #MarksmenFightingOvarianCancer
- Published in 2019 MBM Donation of the Day, Marty Brown Memorial, Upcoming RR Events
MBM Donation of the Day: Walther Firearms
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Walther has donated a P38 Knife, several holsters and additional promotional items for the Marty Brown Memorial™ events. Follow Walther on Twitter @WaltherFirearms and on Facebook @WaltherArms. #MartyBrownMemorial #MarksmenFightingOvarianCancer
- Published in 2019 MBM Donation of the Day, Marty Brown Memorial, Upcoming RR Events
MBM Donation of the Day: Voodoo Tactical
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Voodoo Tactical has graciously donated several soft rifle cases, range bags and backpacks to the 2019 Marty Brown Memorial™ events. The photo depicts just a sample of what Voodoo Tactical
- Published in 2019 MBM Donation of the Day, Marty Brown Memorial, Upcoming RR Events
MBM Donation of the Day: Adco Sales
Thursday, 16 May 2019
Adco Sales has donated some of their Super Thumb Junior magazine loaders as well as a Vantage V1 red dot sight. Adco has a large selection of reasonably priced riflescopes,
- Published in 2019 MBM Donation of the Day, Marty Brown Memorial, Upcoming RR Events
MBM Donation of the Day: A&A Optics
Monday, 13 May 2019
A&A Optics and Alan Alcorn have been strong supporters of Revere’s Riders from the very beginning. It is no surprise then that Alan has stepped up to support the Marty
- Published in 2019 MBM Donation of the Day, Marty Brown Memorial, Upcoming RR Events
MBM Donation of the Day: Spent Rounds Designs
Wednesday, 08 May 2019
Spent Rounds Designs has graciously donated a necklace and several bracelets from their collection to the Marty Brown Memorial™ events. Spent Rounds Designs custom designs and produces jewelry made from
- Published in 2019 MBM Donation of the Day, Marty Brown Memorial, Upcoming RR Events